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July 15, 2008 Special Town Meeting Minutes
July 15, 2008 Special Town Meeting Minutes

July 15, 2008

A Special Town Meeting of the Town of East Windsor was held at the East Windsor Town Hall on Tuesday, July 15, 2008. First Selectman Denise Menard called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. A motion was made by Dale Nelson and seconded by Marie DeSousa that Denise Menard presides as Moderator. Motion to close nominations was made by Cliff Nelson and seconded by Marie DeSousa.

Both motions passed unanimously.

Assistant Town Clerk Mary Higgins read the call to the meeting.
Moderator read the statement of Eligibility to Vote.

Item #1
The following resolution was introduced and read by Cliff Nelson.

RESOLVED: To accept Stepping Stone Drive in the Broad Brook section of East Windsor off of Morris Road, reference Map No. 203118AB-1, as a town road.

Mr. Nelson moved the resolution, seconded by Marie DeSousa.

No discussion followed. Moderator called for a voice vote and declared the resolution unanimously adopted.

Item #2
The following resolution was introduced and read by Dean Saucier.

RESOLVED: To accept a certain parcel of land located in the Town of East Windsor located at the southwest corner of the intersection of North Road (aka Route 140) and Shoham Road.

Mr. Saucier moved the resolution, seconded by Dale Nelson.

Marie DeSousa questioned the size of the property. Denise Menard responded that the parcel is approximately 127 square feet.

Moderator called for a voice vote and declared the resolution unanimously adopted.

Item #3
The following resolution was introduced and read by David Lockwood.

RESOLVED: To repeal Ordinance 77-1 “ORDINANCE FOR PARKS AND CEMETERIES” dated January 12, 1977.

Mr. Lockwood moved the resolution, seconded by Cliff Nelson.

No discussion followed. Moderator called for a voice vote and declared the resolution unanimously adopted.

Item #4
The following resolution was introduced and read by Marie DeSousa.

RESOLVED: To amend ordinance 00-1 “ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING HISTORICAL COMMISSION” to change the title and name of the commission to be East Windsor Historical Preservation Commission”.

Marie DeSousa moved the resolution, seconded by Cliff Nelson.

No discussion followed. Moderator called for a voice vote and declared the resolution unanimously adopted.

Motion to adjourn was made by Dale Nelson and seconded by Marie DeSousa.

Moderator declared the meeting adjourned at 7:40 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted
Mary Higgins

                                   Attest: ___________________________________
                                              Assistant Town Clerk